Featured in FORBES, The New York Times, Los Angeles Magazine, USA Today, Daily Variety, Fast Company, KTLA-LA, The Independent (UK), BBC (UK), Channel 4 (UK) and Brand Week, Nico is known for his ability to connect and activate his elite database of resources to opportunities.

Access to California Dreaming- Nikki Busuttil

Dubbed ‘The Dream Weaver’, by Forbes Magazine, Nico Golfar is the man with a plan and platinum-key access to the elite lifestyle in the fickle, but fabulous, playground of California.

Nico Golfar is the CEO & Founder of Nico Network, which simply-put is a consultancy-based boutique entertainment and event-marketing agency with a decades of experience in developing creative ideas, building brands, staging disruptive marketing and generating experiential strategies.

The creativity does not stop there, as those in the know also benefit from his unique tailored destination management solutions and events for the rich and famous. Nico’s is a full-service company, with a powerful database and a finger on the pulse – just like having a genie in an oil lamp that can make dreams and desires a reality.

“I like to think of myself and the handpicked teams I assemble, as a joint-curator of memorable and epic experiences,” says Britsh-born Nico, with a slight American twang, from decades spent in sunny Los Angeles. “We generate custom solutions for our discerning clientele – no request is too outlandish, given the right budget.”

Nico’s client list is certainly impressive, from private individuals with deep pockets, to corporations large and small. A quick peek on his website’s client list reassures you are in good hands. (Collection of snapshots below from Flash, Lenny Kravitz, Launch in LA)

“Our success is achieved by exploring and developing clear communications strategies, leveraging connections, while bringing together the best assembly of collaborating experts to execute custom-designed programs, events and solutions,” he assures with a telling smile.

As a veritable creative strategist, whether creating a buzz around a brand, an artist, an event or venue, running an entire show or putting on a legendary destination experience, Nico’s range extends beyond the West Coast of the US. He turns smart business ideas and unique opportunities into desirable, attainable, exclusive solutions, with a white-glove, meticulous attention to detail, which is the hallmark of his longevity in Lapland. (Pictured below, snapshots from the LA launch of Nespresso's flagship store)

Take a look at one of his insider-access reels:


For full background info on Nico Golfar read his complete bio here:



Hire the Dream Weaver - FORBES Travel

Having a memorable trip to L.A. is really about whom you know. Whether you want have Entourage-style nights, experience the best of the best with your closest friends, celebrate your birthday with a private performance by your favorite rock star or hop on a helicopter to an exquisite surfing break, there is only one man to call in this sprawling town of hush-hush elite parties and secret handshakes — Nico Golfar.